Tuesday, October 7, 2008

One in five high schools drug test students

Today I came across an article that not only disturbed me, but quite honestly pissed me off. The article can be found at http://marijuananews.com/blog/drug-testing/survey-one-in-five-high-schools-drug-test-students/ the basic gist of the article is about how recently more and more schools are beginning to give students random drug tests. To me this seems to be a violation of student rights. Students should be allowed to attend a school without worry of being randomly tested for drugs, its not right for a school to be able to invade kids privacy like that. It isn't a school's decision to be trying to figure out if students are using drugs. Save that for parents and police, god knows that they do enough to make things hard for kids. Although the percent of schools submitting students to drug tests is only about 15 percent it is still a cause for concern considering that the number has basically doubled in only a few year. Not only is drug testing students unconstitutional it causes distrust between a student body and the educators. When drug tests are brought into a school students are given another reason to resent their authority figures. In this time when distrust between youth and authority figures is at a high the last thing needed is another reason for the youth to hate authority. Why I understand that schools feel the need to make sure that there are not drugs in the school it isn't a schools place to issue drug tests. If someone is using drugs most likely it will be noticeable and any half decent parent can deal with the issue. When writing this I in no way meant to give the assumption that I think drugs are ok, or that it is fine for kids to use, but I do mean to say that it is just wrong for schools to come and invade a student's privacy.

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