Tuesday, October 21, 2008

California and Beyond: The Battle Over Gay Marriage

"Two weeks to go, and already the fight over the constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage in California is the costliest campaign about a social issue in U.S. history. Spending by both sides has topped $50 million, and the figure is growing." This is a quote from an article written by MICHAEL A. LINDENBERGER of Yahoo News on the battle over gay marriage in California. The article mainly talks about how Many organizations have been throwing money up to help prevent gay marriage from becoming legal, and many celebrities have been giving money to help make it legal, such as Ellen Degeneres and Steven Speilberg. I personally think that gay marriage should be legal. I think that anyone should be allowed to love who ever they want, and marry whoever they want. I do not really understand why some people would feel the need to not let someone marry someone of the same sex, it should not be of their concern.

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