Sunday, October 5, 2008

Just in, Kimbo Slice not the tough badass fighter he was thought to be

"The legend of Kimbo Slice was built by beating bums in boat yards and back alleys not far from here. It came crashing down Saturday courtesy of a quick punch from a pink-haired journeyman giving up two inches in height, four in reach and 30 pounds in muscle and might," Dan Wetzel of Yahoo Sports commenting on the embarrassing 14 second fight between Kimbo Slice and Mediocre mixed martial artist Seth Petruzelli. Kimbo Slice used to be considered the greatest fighter, but with his loss to Petruzelli he was exposed as the fraud that he truly is. It would be understandable if he had been bested by a jiu- jitsu master, or a veteran wrestler, but to be bested by a man who he towered over, and hadn't even been keeping in shape too well latley. Petruzelli is not even a main circuit fighter, and he was able to barley be scratched and end the fight in just 14 seconds. I think this is a very significant article because it just shows how much sports in America have gone down hill from the good ole' days when athletes actually had to work out hard to get huge muscles, and wrestling was actually real. Now athletes have options such as steroids to help them grow strong. It just shows how dishonest a sport can be to gain revenue as appose to respecting the game what ever it is. It reflects poorly on our society because it shows how people can be fine with misleading hundreds of thousands of people to make a buck. I just hope that one day there will be better men in the world of sports who know that being able to score a touchdown, or win a fight without illegal drugs or a setup is what truly makes an athlete. Sports associations need to take steps to re-legitimize sports and restore integrity and honor into the modern day athlete.

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