Sunday, October 26, 2008

US special forces launch rare attack inside Syria

Today US military forces launched a very rare attack into Syrian territory close to the border with Iraq. Written by Albert Aji from the Associated Press this articles describes a raid conducted by special forces on al-Qaida linked foreign fighters moving through Syria into Iraq. "Syria condemns this aggression and holds the American forces responsible for this aggression and all its repercussions. Syria also calls on the Iraqi government to shoulder its responsibilities and launch and immediate investigation into this serious violation and prevent the use of Iraqi territory for aggression against Syria," This is a quote from the government issued statement from Syria. As a result of the attack many Syrian civilians have been injured and killed, including four dead children. I am very concerned with this news. I think it is out of our authority as a nation to go into another country without permission and kill civilians in an attempt to curtail al-Qaida traffic through Syria. American government officials tried to support the attacks by saying things like,"We are taking matters into our own hands" and, "The one piece of the puzzle we have not been showing success on is the nexus in Syria". I think that we should not just be allowed to go into other countries and just do what we want because we want to. It is things like this that make so many other countries hate the US. I just think it is sad that we do things like this. The right way to go about this would have been to get the cooperation of the Syrian government and then this trouble could have been avoided. To read the full article click here.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

American War Heroes.

I looked at different American war heroes including George Washington, Ulysses S. Grant, and Dwight D. Eisenhower. All three of these men were American generals and later presidents. An American hero must inspire, and show confidence in order for the people to love them and follow them and all three of these men did that. George Washington helped found our country and led our people to freedom on the battlefield. He was a good commander and an even better speaker. He was always able to inspire his troops even in the darkest of times. He later then went onto become Our first president. Grant was also another general during the Civil War. He was known for inspiring his men and being able to win great victories with little. His heroic leadership during the war eventually led him to the presidency. Last but not least Eisenhower, the supreme commander of the allied forces of World War 2. Eisenhower was also known to be able to give great speaches and inspire his troops. He was able to gain there dedicated devotion through speaches deliverd inspiring awe. An overall theme that seemed to be shared by all American war heroes is that they must show confidence, and give assurance to the people following them, they must also show that they know what they are doing. I think this is because people want to follow someone that they like and feel safe following. They need to know that they are in good hands, and people like Grant radiated assurance. Men like these were booeys of saftey in times of wild storms.

This picture shows the Supreme Commander of the Union forces during the Civil War Ulysses S. Grant. The image shows a rugged man who is just like his own soldiers. He was a spectacular strategist, and a symbol of inspiration for all of his soldiers.

"Although a soldier by profession, I have never felt any sort of fondness for war, and I have never advocated it, except as a means of peace." - Ulysses S. Grant

This shows Grant's unwillingness to participate in war. This is a quality that can be considered invaluable to people in leaders. It shows that he does not choose to be apart of war, but does so in order to uphold the country.

In this image General Dwight D. Eisenhower, supreme commander of the allied forces during world war 2 is shown giving a final speach before paratroopers depart for their fateful drops into Normandy. Eisenhower always was with his men and this is shown here giving the the idea that he is just one of the regular soldiers.

"You don't lead by hitting people over the head-that's assault, not leadership."
- General Dwight D. Eisenhower

This shows Eisenhower's understanding of command, which is what made him the commander he is. He understood that you couldn't force men to do what you want, but you must inspire and convince men that what you want them to do is right.

This image shows the father of our country George W. Washington, our first president. In this portrait George is painted with an aura of confidence and assurance about him. The image shows a confident man who knows how to lead.

"I have no other view than to promote the public good, and am unambitious of honors not founded in the approbation of my Country. " - George Washington

This quote shows that George Washington wanted what was best for his country, and that he truly cares for his country. It showed to everyone that his intentions were not to become a monarch, but to create something that would be the best thing possible for the new country America.

"Although a soldier by profession, I have never felt any sort of fondness for war, and I have never advocated it, except as a means of peace." - Ulysses S. Grant

I think that all of the things I collected show very well how men like Washington, Grant and Eisenhower were good American war heroes. The quotes given show that the men were more than just soldiers, but contrymen and patriots, someone to follow. The pictures give an impression of assurance and confidence in the men being shown. All the things I collected show how the people I talked about were great leaders and heroes.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

California and Beyond: The Battle Over Gay Marriage

"Two weeks to go, and already the fight over the constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage in California is the costliest campaign about a social issue in U.S. history. Spending by both sides has topped $50 million, and the figure is growing." This is a quote from an article written by MICHAEL A. LINDENBERGER of Yahoo News on the battle over gay marriage in California. The article mainly talks about how Many organizations have been throwing money up to help prevent gay marriage from becoming legal, and many celebrities have been giving money to help make it legal, such as Ellen Degeneres and Steven Speilberg. I personally think that gay marriage should be legal. I think that anyone should be allowed to love who ever they want, and marry whoever they want. I do not really understand why some people would feel the need to not let someone marry someone of the same sex, it should not be of their concern.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Colin Powell backs Barack Obama

"US President George W Bush's first Secretary of State, Colin Powell, has endorsed Democratic election candidate Barack Obama for the White House." This is an excerpt from an article found on BBC News talking about the former secretary of state backing democratic presidental nominee Barack Obama. Colin Powell who had served as George W. Bush's secretary of state during his first term as president today said that he would be endorsing Obama. Powell stated that he thought that all Americans and not just African-Americans would be proud of an Obama win. He also went on to say that he thought Obama would be able to handle the economic situation in the country better than McCain would. Obama today in North Carolina said that he was "deeply humbled" by Powell's endorsement, McCain said that he was not at all surprised with his long time friend's choice, he also added on that the four other former secretary of states (all republican) have backed himself. While the endorsement of Powell pry won't sway a whole lot of voters it will help many of those still in the middle realize that Obama does have the experience.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Madness in fashion Land

"Not so long ago, high heels were defined as 3 or 4 inches -- a footnote to give a little height and a more appealing silhouette to the wearer. But this fall, shoes have been supersized with the proliferation of 5-, 6- and even 7-inch heels and platforms." This is a quote out of Women Fall Head Over Heels for Shoe Makers' Arch Designs by Teri Agins that describes the new trend of ever taller heels for women in high fashion. Many of the super high high heels that have begun to be sold on the commercial level have been doing very well despite the dangers they can create. When you are walking with a three foot pillar under the back of your foot it is hard enough, but to than add an extra three even four inches to that and you are talking balancing on a tight wire insane. I can understand them from the fashion creaters view, I mean cause they're always getting crazier and crazier, it is just crazy though to think of normal people buying them. I doubt that this new trend will really catch on at all considering how impractical seven inch heels are. They are pretty darn dangerous, you could get hurt at any wrong step, that is something that someone should not have to worry about. Too me these new heights are just the fashion world kind of having a crazy thought, like some runway dream. I find it funny and quite honestly wait on my heels for the next crazy thing out of the fashion world.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Clintons join Biden to campaign in Scranton.

"Everything in politics is recyclable. Sen. Joseph R. Biden Jr. left this state while in grade school, but he can still talk of "we Pennsylvanians." Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton's childhood summers at a nearby lake can be turned into the declaration that "here in northeast Pennsylvania, we don't go down without a fight." This is a direct quote from an article written by Robert Barnes on The Washington Post. The article talks about how both Bill and Hillary Clinton have teamed up with Vice Presidential nominee Joe Biden to help campaign for Barack Obama. They have gone together to Scranton Pennsylvania where it is well known that republicans are much more favored than democrats in hopes of being able to turn the state over to the democrats. Both Hillary and Joe having been using their child hood moments from Pennsylvania to help persuade voters to vote Obama in the 2008 election. Biden spoke about McCain mentioning how McCain first said the economy was fine than later the same day said it was in crisis. He spoke highlighting on how McCain often changes his mind on things. At the moment in the polls Barack Obama has a good lead over McCain in Pennsylvania.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Daft doin its thang at Wireless Festival 2007

One in five high schools drug test students

Today I came across an article that not only disturbed me, but quite honestly pissed me off. The article can be found at the basic gist of the article is about how recently more and more schools are beginning to give students random drug tests. To me this seems to be a violation of student rights. Students should be allowed to attend a school without worry of being randomly tested for drugs, its not right for a school to be able to invade kids privacy like that. It isn't a school's decision to be trying to figure out if students are using drugs. Save that for parents and police, god knows that they do enough to make things hard for kids. Although the percent of schools submitting students to drug tests is only about 15 percent it is still a cause for concern considering that the number has basically doubled in only a few year. Not only is drug testing students unconstitutional it causes distrust between a student body and the educators. When drug tests are brought into a school students are given another reason to resent their authority figures. In this time when distrust between youth and authority figures is at a high the last thing needed is another reason for the youth to hate authority. Why I understand that schools feel the need to make sure that there are not drugs in the school it isn't a schools place to issue drug tests. If someone is using drugs most likely it will be noticeable and any half decent parent can deal with the issue. When writing this I in no way meant to give the assumption that I think drugs are ok, or that it is fine for kids to use, but I do mean to say that it is just wrong for schools to come and invade a student's privacy.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Just in, Kimbo Slice not the tough badass fighter he was thought to be

"The legend of Kimbo Slice was built by beating bums in boat yards and back alleys not far from here. It came crashing down Saturday courtesy of a quick punch from a pink-haired journeyman giving up two inches in height, four in reach and 30 pounds in muscle and might," Dan Wetzel of Yahoo Sports commenting on the embarrassing 14 second fight between Kimbo Slice and Mediocre mixed martial artist Seth Petruzelli. Kimbo Slice used to be considered the greatest fighter, but with his loss to Petruzelli he was exposed as the fraud that he truly is. It would be understandable if he had been bested by a jiu- jitsu master, or a veteran wrestler, but to be bested by a man who he towered over, and hadn't even been keeping in shape too well latley. Petruzelli is not even a main circuit fighter, and he was able to barley be scratched and end the fight in just 14 seconds. I think this is a very significant article because it just shows how much sports in America have gone down hill from the good ole' days when athletes actually had to work out hard to get huge muscles, and wrestling was actually real. Now athletes have options such as steroids to help them grow strong. It just shows how dishonest a sport can be to gain revenue as appose to respecting the game what ever it is. It reflects poorly on our society because it shows how people can be fine with misleading hundreds of thousands of people to make a buck. I just hope that one day there will be better men in the world of sports who know that being able to score a touchdown, or win a fight without illegal drugs or a setup is what truly makes an athlete. Sports associations need to take steps to re-legitimize sports and restore integrity and honor into the modern day athlete.

Toll The Hounds

For what seemed like the three longest days ever, I waited for my new copy of Toll The Hounds by Steven Erikson, the eighth book in the series of The Malazan Book of The Fallen (the same series that Gardens of the Moon is from) Finally one day I came home from school to find the brown ups package sitting at the door just waiting for me. I quickly opened it up, and went on to drool over the spectacular cover art of the book. At 830 pages Toll the Hounds is the second largest novel so far in the series right behind Reaper's Gale's 834 pages. The book starts off with bringing the reader back to Darujhistan, the city of blue fire, a place that Steven has not visited heavily as a main theater of action since Gardens of the Moon, book one. After a few days of reading I'm on page 108, and nothing of to much importance has really occurred so far except for the return of Cutter, Crokus Younghand, to Darujhistan. So far a section of reading from the book that I thought was interesting was on page 91, " A blow to the side of his head and he rolled suddenly awake, both knives coming into his hands and blades scraping across the gritty flagstoned floor beneath him. His shoulder struck a wall and he blinked in the gloom." This passage describes the awakening of Ralick Nom, a master assassin that vanished at the end of Gardens of The Moon. This is a very significant passage cause it shows that Ralick is back and still the same assassin as he was before he vanished. This is shown when Erikson says , "he rolled suddenly awake, both knives coming into his hands," this just shows how even though Ralick has been asleep for years he still is an assassin by nature. With Ralick back in Darujhistan things are bound to get crazy. Within the local assassins guilds a shadowy cult focused on the worship of Ralick Nom has arisen, but been quickly banned by guild masters, and now that Ralick is actually back in the city a bloody assassin's war is bound to erupt.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

A Civil Action and the road to finding oneself

In A Civil Action John Travolta plays Jan, a character who teaches us that in order for one to discover oneself you must find something that you truly care about enough to fight for, and give everything up for. At the start of A Civil Action Jan is a cocky, arrogant lawyer who only cares for himself, but when a water contamination case comes up Everything changes. At first Jan and his firm take the case only because they are hoping that it will be a huge cash cow, but as the case goes on Jan finds himself more and more emotionally attached to it. He starts to disregard making a big profit and starts focusing on winning the case for the parents of the dead kids. Jan realizes that money is not as important as helping people and making things right are. For example when Jan and his firm are at a meeting with the VP of Grace, the company that is being sued, they are discussing a settlement deal, and when the VP tries to just pay off Jan he does not accept and pushes for a settlement that will be better for the parents. In the end of the case Jan's firm is completely broke and out of business, but it does not matter to Jan because he only wanted to see the parents get their apology. Jan finally has discovered the man that he truly is, and he knows that he did the right thing.