Sunday, March 22, 2009

ST. Patrick's Day

For my next blog post for the holiday post I chose to read an article about the grand old holiday ST. Patrick's Day. I went to a very trusty site that I always will use when in need at a desperate hour. This is the link to the site where you can learn anything you want to or could possibly imagine about St. Pat's Day, . I have decided to talk about how this holiday has been so far taken away from what it actually is in our modern day culture. Now a day's when you think of celebrating this holiday you will think of people falling over in pub's drunk out of their minds. I find it very odd how everyone whether you are actually Irish or not will celebrate the holiday. I think this is just a reflection onto our society and that is the fact that all people love to get wasted and have an awesome time. I think this shows how so many people in our society are looking for a good way to let go of all their stress and just be able to relax, St. Pat's Day is just the perfect time to do it. This holiday is just like so many other holiday's that us American's celebrate that really has nothing at all to do with the actual holiday's purpose.

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