Sunday, March 22, 2009

Global Issues

For this week's blog post I am doing a little diddy on World Poverty one of the most pressing global issues of all. Almost half of the world, 3 billion people, live on an amount of money that is so insubstantial that living is not guaranteed. When half of our brother's and sisters across the world our suffering this bad it sickens me how little people do to help. It just shows human nature oh too well in that we our selfish beings who can't help others. It is a statistic that over 75 percent of the entire planet's wealth is owned by a mere one percent of the population, so what the diddly doo is up with this. I mean come on how can people sit atop their high treasure piles while others our out scrounging in gutters and ditchs for a day's meal. For real if that one percent could just show some marxist love than that 3 billion people could all be way better off. Is is more important for the capital elitists to remain above all others atop the clouds like fat cats, or would it be better if we could help out our brothers and sisters. So ask your selves this question in your bed tonight, why can't we be friends? why can't we be friends? link provided,

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