Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Toll the hounds redux 44559732

Today in my epic book I read some pretty amazing things that were really awesome and I thought I would come out and share with all you guys about my book. Well first their was a grand duel between the Malazan magicigian Grundlewald and the Crevelii Mage Ognotor. The malazan magician won the battle, but just barely. Medical attention was needed tremendously for Grundlewald. The wizard of the rock came down from his cave in the town hall to feed Grundlewald some magic berrys from his patch of magical healing berrys in his cave deep down. Luckily Grundlewald was able to recover from the epic duel and continue on with his quest to save the little boy Harllo.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Putting hounds to rest and tolling the best....

So now in Toll the Hounds the main character, Cutter has just gotten back to his home city of Darujhistan, and like said by the famous Biggy Smalls, "The east is my home, but the west is where I rest." Well boys Cutter is back home and well rested and ready to raise hell. That is exactly what he does his first day back. He gets some hunnys gets some 40's and gets some chron and heads to the Phoenix Inn where his old posse resides. Upon his return everybody is totally happy and going nuts. Everyone has a great time and gets really messed up and enjoys the hunnies. Afterwards though Cutter must get back to business. He informs Kruppe of what he has seen and experienced on his travels across the empire. Meanwhile on the other side of the city the little boy Harlo is being beaten by his older cousin who is constanly abusing his little siblings and cousins. Because Harlo lives with his uncle and aunt who are always busy trying to make ends meet his home life is not very great since his cousin is always beating him. This is as far as I have gotten. I am super excited to continue the novel. My stomache rumbles with unrest as I frothe due to my desire for more of Toll the Hounds.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Toll the hounds again and again all night long.

In this week's blogpost I will discuss the amazingness that is the character Anomander Rake. Anomander is the son of darkness, but do not let this name decieve you for Anomander is a great man and a true champion of the people. He has lived for millenia and experienced many things. He is very wise. I decided I would compare him to another wise mentor like character Dumbledore. While both are eternally wise and both value great virtues such as patience and slow deliberate calculation before hasty action. But the similarities do not stop there. While Dumbledore's body is that of an old man, he can still kick some major ass (refer to the raw power exhibited against Voldemort in the chamber duel at the ministry in the final conclusion of the fifth book of Harry Potter with his wand. Anomander is also a master of arcane arts, but he is also the wielder of the magnimous weapon Dragnipur, a great two-handed sword that is a portal for all the souls it steals into a realm eternally fleeing chaos. If I was to pit the two of these fellows in a duel I would say that Rake would easily destroy Dumbledore. Whether it'd be from the fell prick of Dragnipur or by an onslaught of darkness Dumbledore would crumble to the ground. ALL HAIL THE GRAND STRATEGO AND LORD SAVIOUR OF THE TISTE ANDII , LORD ANOMANDER RAKE!!!!!!