Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

For my quick read minutes I chose the American classic, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. The setting of this novel is in a small Missouri town right by the Mississippi River. Tom and all of his friends are always getting into new mischief and trouble, especially Tom and his orphan friend Huckle Berry Finn. The passage of the novel that I decided to read starts during the climax of the book when Huck is trying to find out what Injun Joe is doing. When he realizes that Joe and his friends are going to try and kill the widow, Huck braves it out, and figures out Joe's plan so he can help stop him from killing the widow. Huck demonstrates and shows great courage, and that doing the right thing is right because you can help, and save people as appose to hurting people. For more information On The Adventures of Tom Sawyer visit the Tom Sawyer Homepage.

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