Thursday, September 18, 2008

Animal Dreams

My favorite quote of all so far from Animal Dreams would most likely be from when Codi and Loyd are in the court yard of the old pueblos fooling around and Codi says, "Is that a condom in your pocket, cause if it is its my lucky day." I thought that this was a really funny quote, and it also shows how Codi is starting to grow comfortable back in Grace. It also shows how Loyd is helping Codi make the Figurative transition from sucking on Hallie's teet to being able to be fine on her own. It is also the start of when Loyd and Codi really start to like each other and turn more serious.
So Far my favorite character in the book is Loyd. I like Loyd alot cause he can get the women, but he is still a cool guy. He does not act like a jerk to Codi, and he is able to have a good time. I also like him because of his connection to his ancestry and his home. I think that that is important, and I have always thought Native Americans have had smart views on life. Loyd also happens to have a super cool dog Jack, and I too have a dog named Jack that happens to act alot like how Loyd's Jack acts.
So far from the book I believe that one of the most important scenes is when Codi goes with Loyd to visit his family. While Codi is there she learns alot of things that really make her think. This is when she starts to realize that she can control her life and that she can make a home where she wants it. She is slowly starting to realize that she can control her life, and that it is up to her to decide what happens to her, not some random cause. This is also another time that brings Codi closer to Loyd, by meeting his family Codi really gets to know Loyd. That is why I thought this part of the book was so important.

Gardens of the Moon

Gardens of the Moon was written by Canadian author Steven Erikson, and is the first in an epic fantasy series of ten. the setting for Gardens of the Moon is the Malazan Empire, specifically the continent of Genebackis. The book starts out with the Malazan siege of Pale one of the last free cities on Genebackis. After A disastrous encounter with the Son of Darkness, Anomander Rake discontent arises in the Malazan army specifically in the famed Bridge Burners company, who have been at every battle of the empire since the start. With things in the empire already shaken up this calamity only stirs the pot more. After the capture of Pale Sergeant Whiskey Jack's squad is sent on a mission into Darujhistan, the final free city of Genebackis. Leading what looks to be a suicide mission is noble born Ganoes Paran. Complicating the whole mess further more is the troubling fact that the gods are starting to have more of an interest in what is happening with mortals. To find out more about Gardens of the Moon and the rest of the series visit
Thomas The Tank Engine is my favorite book because of the strong message it carries with it. This story teaches you to always believe that you can accomplish anything you set your mind on. In the story Thomas, a tank engine, has to deliver a particularly heavy load to a far destination in a short period of time. On his journey Thomas is pushed to the limit many times, but perseveres through the struggle and keeps going. In the end he reaches his destination on time, and is very proud of himself for believing that he could do it. I think that this is such an important lesson to teach to young kids because that is the age when lessons like this really sink into a person and will follow them throughout there lives. This is why I think that Thomas The Tank Engine is the greatest book of all time. For more information on Thomas visit the wikipedia link,
the image was found at

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Hey there reading fans! whats goin on, The site is still being prepared for its debut but hold in there!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Hi. I love to read and I think Ms. Tholen is the best teacher ever!