In this week's blogpost I will discuss the amazingness that is the character Anomander Rake. Anomander is the son of darkness, but do not let this name decieve you for Anomander is a great man and a true champion of the people. He has lived for millenia and experienced many things. He is very wise. I decided I would compare him to another wise mentor like character Dumbledore. While both are eternally wise and both value great virtues such as patience and slow deliberate calculation before hasty action. But the similarities do not stop there. While Dumbledore's body is that of an old man, he can still kick some major ass (refer to the raw power exhibited against Voldemort in the chamber duel at the ministry in the final conclusion of the fifth book of Harry Potter with his wand. Anomander is also a master of arcane arts, but he is also the wielder of the magnimous weapon Dragnipur, a great two-handed sword that is a portal for all the souls it steals into a realm eternally fleeing chaos. If I was to pit the two of these fellows in a duel I would say that Rake would easily destroy Dumbledore. Whether it'd be from the fell prick of Dragnipur or by an onslaught of darkness Dumbledore would crumble to the ground. ALL HAIL THE GRAND STRATEGO AND LORD SAVIOUR OF THE TISTE ANDII , LORD ANOMANDER RAKE!!!!!!
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