Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Toll the hounds redux 44559732

Today in my epic book I read some pretty amazing things that were really awesome and I thought I would come out and share with all you guys about my book. Well first their was a grand duel between the Malazan magicigian Grundlewald and the Crevelii Mage Ognotor. The malazan magician won the battle, but just barely. Medical attention was needed tremendously for Grundlewald. The wizard of the rock came down from his cave in the town hall to feed Grundlewald some magic berrys from his patch of magical healing berrys in his cave deep down. Luckily Grundlewald was able to recover from the epic duel and continue on with his quest to save the little boy Harllo.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Putting hounds to rest and tolling the best....

So now in Toll the Hounds the main character, Cutter has just gotten back to his home city of Darujhistan, and like said by the famous Biggy Smalls, "The east is my home, but the west is where I rest." Well boys Cutter is back home and well rested and ready to raise hell. That is exactly what he does his first day back. He gets some hunnys gets some 40's and gets some chron and heads to the Phoenix Inn where his old posse resides. Upon his return everybody is totally happy and going nuts. Everyone has a great time and gets really messed up and enjoys the hunnies. Afterwards though Cutter must get back to business. He informs Kruppe of what he has seen and experienced on his travels across the empire. Meanwhile on the other side of the city the little boy Harlo is being beaten by his older cousin who is constanly abusing his little siblings and cousins. Because Harlo lives with his uncle and aunt who are always busy trying to make ends meet his home life is not very great since his cousin is always beating him. This is as far as I have gotten. I am super excited to continue the novel. My stomache rumbles with unrest as I frothe due to my desire for more of Toll the Hounds.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Toll the hounds again and again all night long.

In this week's blogpost I will discuss the amazingness that is the character Anomander Rake. Anomander is the son of darkness, but do not let this name decieve you for Anomander is a great man and a true champion of the people. He has lived for millenia and experienced many things. He is very wise. I decided I would compare him to another wise mentor like character Dumbledore. While both are eternally wise and both value great virtues such as patience and slow deliberate calculation before hasty action. But the similarities do not stop there. While Dumbledore's body is that of an old man, he can still kick some major ass (refer to the raw power exhibited against Voldemort in the chamber duel at the ministry in the final conclusion of the fifth book of Harry Potter with his wand. Anomander is also a master of arcane arts, but he is also the wielder of the magnimous weapon Dragnipur, a great two-handed sword that is a portal for all the souls it steals into a realm eternally fleeing chaos. If I was to pit the two of these fellows in a duel I would say that Rake would easily destroy Dumbledore. Whether it'd be from the fell prick of Dragnipur or by an onslaught of darkness Dumbledore would crumble to the ground. ALL HAIL THE GRAND STRATEGO AND LORD SAVIOUR OF THE TISTE ANDII , LORD ANOMANDER RAKE!!!!!!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Toll The Hounds, Opening Day

So tonight I am posting on my brand new novel that I recently picked up from the store, Toll The Hounds, by Steven Erikson. And oh boy oh boy I will say that with out a doubt this book is the most intense and epic story already of not only the entire Malazan Books of The Fallen series but of all written word that has been put upon this planet since Gerhber's, Heinshakt ur Leig' which was a mastserpiece that surely is to never be thrown off of the top of written works. Right at this very second I am just about one hundred pages into the work and I have already noted down many questions that I have for the author. In the book I quickly found myself identifying with a young male character by the name of Harllo. Harllo is a poor child being raised by his " uncle and aunt" along with their children. I really relate to him because he has no clue what the world is about and that is alot alike to how I feel all the time. We are also similar because he always will choose to see the good in people even when it seems impossible, like me and how I will try and try to find a good trait in all people. So, so far the book is a killer work, and I already with out a doubt can say that all students should be required to read this, as it teaches many life lessons such as always wash your hands.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Global Issues

For this week's blog post I am doing a little diddy on World Poverty one of the most pressing global issues of all. Almost half of the world, 3 billion people, live on an amount of money that is so insubstantial that living is not guaranteed. When half of our brother's and sisters across the world our suffering this bad it sickens me how little people do to help. It just shows human nature oh too well in that we our selfish beings who can't help others. It is a statistic that over 75 percent of the entire planet's wealth is owned by a mere one percent of the population, so what the diddly doo is up with this. I mean come on how can people sit atop their high treasure piles while others our out scrounging in gutters and ditchs for a day's meal. For real if that one percent could just show some marxist love than that 3 billion people could all be way better off. Is is more important for the capital elitists to remain above all others atop the clouds like fat cats, or would it be better if we could help out our brothers and sisters. So ask your selves this question in your bed tonight, why can't we be friends? why can't we be friends? link provided, http://www.globalissues.org/issue/2/causes-of-poverty

For my post on change i have elected to write on the topic of The Little Rock Nine, the legendary African American students who were the first children to to integrate a school. The year was 1957 and integration had begun in the north, but the south was still stead fastly resisting the idea. The nine black students who attended Little Rock High School in Little Rock, Arkansas are now a days looked upon like heroes for what they did. Imagine how you felt on your first day of highschool, every body no matter who you are goes into their first day pretty damn nervous, if not downright scared. But what if on your first day every other kid at school wanted to kick you and spit on you and call you horrible names. That is the situation that the little rock nine had to face at their school. It is due to brave kids like those of the little rock nine that we now have equal rights for all american citizens. Here is a link to the article I read about the Little Rock Nine, http://library.thinkquest.org/J0112391/little_rock_nine.htm . And here is the mla, Harding, Melvin M. "The Little Rock Nine." ThinkQuest. June & july 2008. 22 Mar. 2009
ST. Patrick's Day

For my next blog post for the holiday post I chose to read an article about the grand old holiday ST. Patrick's Day. I went to a very trusty site that I always will use when in need at a desperate hour. This is the link to the site where you can learn anything you want to or could possibly imagine about St. Pat's Day, http://www.history.com/minisites/stpatricksday/ . I have decided to talk about how this holiday has been so far taken away from what it actually is in our modern day culture. Now a day's when you think of celebrating this holiday you will think of people falling over in pub's drunk out of their minds. I find it very odd how everyone whether you are actually Irish or not will celebrate the holiday. I think this is just a reflection onto our society and that is the fact that all people love to get wasted and have an awesome time. I think this shows how so many people in our society are looking for a good way to let go of all their stress and just be able to relax, St. Pat's Day is just the perfect time to do it. This holiday is just like so many other holiday's that us American's celebrate that really has nothing at all to do with the actual holiday's purpose.
War, The First Battle of Bull Run

The American Civil War was one of the most devastating wars in the history of mankind, it was a war that divided brothers from fathers and ripped families apart. The Battle of Bull Run was the first major land conflict to occur during the American Civil War while the armies that engaged in this battle were pretty small compared to later Civil War standards it was still a huge battle. While the federal forces initially held the upper hand with numerical superiority the spirit of the Rebel army made it enough for the confederates to gain a tactical advantage and route the federals. At the beginning of the battle the federal forces were comprised in grand of one army with four divisions where as the Confederate army was massed up of two different armies with much smaller regional brigades. At the days start the two rebel forces led feint attacks on the federal armies center while their outside flanks were crushed into by the main rebel attack forces. Initially the federal artillery batteries were able to keep the rebel forces bogged down, but eventually when the rebel infantry regiments came into the close fire zone with the federal lines the federal lines began to route. After a long day of fighting the rebel troops had broken the federal lines, but were far to torn up to order a productive following attack on the enemy. The Federal general McDowell was quoted as saying, "It is my firm belief that a great deal of the misfortune of the day at Bull Run is due to the fact that the troops knew very little of the principles and practice of firing. In every case I believe that the firing of the rebels was better than ours." The site I found my article on is named Civil War Home and here is a link provided, http://www.civilwarhome.com/bullrunconclusion.htm . here is the mla Johnston, R.M. "1st Bull Run, A Conclusion." The American Civil War Home Page. 2003. 22 Mar. 2009
Jackie Robinson, Overcoming the Odds

The year was 1947 and The American Baseball League was yet to have an African American player in its midst, but that was all about to change with the coming of Jackie Robinson. For today's blog post I found an article on The famous baseball player Jackie Robinson, the first African American ball player ever. Here is a link to the website, http://www.africanamericans.com/JackieRobinson.htm this lovely website provided me with tons and tons of uber knowledgeable facts on Jackie, and I have come to the conclusion that he is the man. Jackie played in the majors until 1956 and was loved if not initially but overtime by all of his teammates. It was than later on his life in the year 1962 that Jackie than became the first nominated black man to the Baseball hall of fame, what an accomplishment! It was than later on in 1984 that he became the second player after Roberto Clemente to ever recieve the Congressional Gold Medal, which is considered one of the most prestigious medals in baseball. After all of his baseball stuff Jackie became a prominent figure in politics and helping his community.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The text I chose to examine today is Charlotte's Web. This is a novel of the most epic proportions, and is considered one of the great literary masterpieces of our time along with The Great Gatsby and To Kill A Mockingbird. The theme of love is entwined throughout the entire story of Charlotte's Web. From the very beginning when Wilbert is saved by the girl from being killed. The girl acted out of love for Wilbert even though he was the weak runt of his mother's liter. Later on during the final parts of the book when the spider Charlotte, who has acted and served as a loving mother to all those in need on the farm, has her babies she grows ill. It eventually becomes evident that Charlotte is going to die. WIlbert and all the other farm animals in the barn are completely distraught over the fact that they are going to loose Charlotte due to how much they all love her so badly. Upon seeing this even when she is dieing Charlotte summons the strength and energy to tell all the barn animals and Wilbert one last time how very important they all are to her and how she will always love them very much. While this story may be meant for kids it teaches a lesson in love that is so profound and impactful that it makes this novel a must read for every person on the face of the earth. For more information on the story visit here http://www.pocanticohills.org/charlotte/index.htm this website is a fan created site set up as a tribute and center of all things related to the Web.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Greek Empires: Colonies galore

The greeks were the first to colonize different parts of the world. The first times the greeks began to set up colonies was during the tenth century B.C. The greek colonies would end up being spread far and wide from the southern coast of france to parts of Asia Minor and Africa. Greece was a country surrounded by water so naturally it's people were born seafarers. I thought i would specifically talk about one greek colony that became very powerful, Syracuse. Since its establishment Syracuse was one of the most powerful greek cities in existence up until its fall to Rome. Syracuse was constantly being threatened by the great Carthaginian empire. Since its establishment Syracuse has constantly been under assault by The African-Spanish empire. Due to its marvelous position on the island of Sicily Syracuse was able to bring in boats full of money from trade. This enabled the Syracusans to support their military conflicts against Syracuse. When Rome came to dominate Latinium they too had interests in the island of Sicily. This sealed Syracuses's fate. Eventually they were overthrown by the Roman empire. I used an article from the Met's website and here is the link http://www.metmuseum.org/toah/hd/angk/hd_angk.htm and the siting is followed.... Hemingway, Colette, and Seán Hemingway. "Ancient Greek Colonization and Trade and their Influence on Greek Art". In Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2000–. http://www.metmuseum.org/toah/hd/angk/hd_angk.htm (July 2007)
Sunday, March 1, 2009
'Slumdog Millionaire' star's father asks for more

"Azharuddin was paid 700 pounds during filming, while another 17,500 pounds has been put into a trust fund which he will get, plus interest, when he is 18. " This quote comes from an article posted on BollyWood's website, www.bollywood.com which discusses the payment of the star of the recent film Slumdog Millionare which blew up in the box office. The article talks about how the main actor ,Mohammed Azharuddin, was given a paycheck that hardly suffices for the work he did. His father has been trying to get the director of the movie to recognize what is owed to his son, and have him paid properly. Azharuddin's father who gather's wood for a living and is suffering from TB and lives in the slums said that the house that was promised to his family for his son's work has yet to be given to them, and he says that his son should get more of the money from the movie. This is a common occurance in the film industry, a random no one is used in a role and given next to nothing for payment and than that movie makes millions and that actor comes back to collect some of that cash that they so rightfully believe is theirs. "They promised me a new house but it hasn't happened. I'm still in the slum. " This is a quote of what Azharuddin's father told the press. I am compelled to agree with Azharuddin's father. His son was a critical part in making Slumdog and now that the movie is so huge part of that cash should be going to Azharuddin.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Eskimo life

For my blog post today I found a diddy on Eskimo Culture. The article I found can be viewed right here on the website Fact Monster http://www.factmonster.com/ce6/society/A0858029.html . Eskimo's are like many other hunting and gathering cultures. What makes Eskimo society stand out from others is that they were known for their especially skilled artists and fine craftsmans. Due to the sparseness of the lands they live on Eskimos live in small bands with a leader selected who is recognized for his ability to provide and protect the rest. The idea of personal property is viewed much differently than most cultures, Eskimo's will share most things besides for the most personal, private property. Just like most cultures though the Eskimo men will build the homes and provide food, while the women will stay home to watch the family. Their religion is rich with mythology, and shamanism is practiced. Shamans are like priests, but they commune with the earth, like many other pagan priests shaman's will use drugs to induce visions. Now a day's almost all Eskimo's live in communities. Instead of the spear the gun is used to hunt, and many communities will even have snowmobile's. Hopefully one day the Eskimo god Khuralu will descend from the moon to lead his tribes down from the tundra's to feed like ravenous dog's on the white man, and we will all see a great world ruled by the Eskimo
Sunday, February 8, 2009
The warrior children

In the time of the Hegemon's and when diplomacy was decided by the end of a pike there was a city that had such well trained warriors that it was able to spread its influence far and wide, this city was Sparta. Sparta is home to the famed Spartan warrior, known for his ferociousness and discipline in battle. The story of the 300 spartan's, although fiction, has forever solidified the power of the spartan warrior in modern day culture. The reason for the greatness of Sparta's military is the Spartan Agoge system.
Right from birth a spartan boy is taken to the old scarred veterans who judge if the boy is good enough to be a spartan warrior. If any signs of weakness or birth defects are noticed the baby will be taken to a near cliff where he is cast away. When the child reaches the age of seven he is taken from his mother and placed in a communual barracks with other young spartan boys. From this point on the child will go through intense training every day until the age of tweleve. At this point in the boy's training he is cast into the outside world with only a mere rag for clothing. They are forced to live off the land and be exposed to the wild beasts. After one year has passed the boy's are now men. For the next seven years they will participate in live war games against local non spartan's. These games were very dangerous and left dead. Once the spartan was twenty he would then continue to live in the barrack's as a part of the standing army. This went on for ten years, then at this point the warrior would be allowed to marry and take their own home and if choose a public office. I found this article on a site called Suite101 and the article was called Agoge- Spartan Military Training. Link provided http://ancient-military-history.suite101.com/article.cfm/agoge_spartan_military_training
Sunday, February 1, 2009
The 1931 Chinese Floods

Today I read an article on wikipedia that discussed the events that occurred during the 1931 floods in China. The series of floods that happened in China in 1931 are considered the most deadly natural disasters to occur in the 20th century. The casualties were estimated as low as 400,000 all the way up to 4 million deaths. Before the time of the floods a long draught occurred in China lasting from 1928 to the end of 1930. The extensive draught was what led to the mass floods across the main part of the asian continent. In a time period like the early twentieth century, especially in a country like China that was still developing
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