Wednesday, January 26, 2011

My First Movie Review, "Pascheendale"


-Great battle scenes
-About Canadians in WWI
-Too much of a love story
-Scary at parts
-action packed last half
-stumbles at beginning
-Great Effects work
-very accurate costumes
-real people
-slow motion
-great sound editing
-gritty landscapes
-great cinematography
-Strong character development
-strong connections felt between characters
-many sad moments that show the true face of war

Review of Pascheendale

I first heard about Pascheendale only a few days ago from seeing a clip on youtube. I was just browsing around on youtube watching some material on WWI when I came upon this great clip from Pascheendale. I immediatley was enjoying the film due to the epic landscape the battle was on, and the amazing sound editing for the battles. After the three minute clip ended I quickly decided to start the whole movie from the start. After a couple minutes of searching the web I found a suitable site, youtube!!!!! Right away the movie starts in the action which I was excited about, but it quickly brings you back to the homefront of the war where the movie will than stay here for quite some time of the movie. These parts got to be a little slow, but to be fair I was trying to see it for the action. This movie is set apart from many war movies in that it covers the Canadian effort in the war, a part well underlooked, out of the 600,000 Canadians who went to war one in ten would not return. The story turns into quite a double sided romance story, where it will stay for quite some time. It is not until the later half of the film that we see a ruturn to the frontlines of the war for our main character. This is when we get to experience some really well crafted scenes that make for some great cinematography and really add to the intensity of the fighting. Finally action returns to the film and in great force. You get to witness some of the best filmed WWI battle scenes ever done, and the effects used were nothing but top of the line. The director also does a splendid job on developing these very real characters who have dozens of layers to them that even they themselves don't see right away. When the movie was over and all said and done, I really enjoyed the film despite some of the slow moments, I give it a three out of five.