Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Toll The Hounds, Opening Day

So tonight I am posting on my brand new novel that I recently picked up from the store, Toll The Hounds, by Steven Erikson. And oh boy oh boy I will say that with out a doubt this book is the most intense and epic story already of not only the entire Malazan Books of The Fallen series but of all written word that has been put upon this planet since Gerhber's, Heinshakt ur Leig' which was a mastserpiece that surely is to never be thrown off of the top of written works. Right at this very second I am just about one hundred pages into the work and I have already noted down many questions that I have for the author. In the book I quickly found myself identifying with a young male character by the name of Harllo. Harllo is a poor child being raised by his " uncle and aunt" along with their children. I really relate to him because he has no clue what the world is about and that is alot alike to how I feel all the time. We are also similar because he always will choose to see the good in people even when it seems impossible, like me and how I will try and try to find a good trait in all people. So, so far the book is a killer work, and I already with out a doubt can say that all students should be required to read this, as it teaches many life lessons such as always wash your hands.