For my blog post today I found a diddy on Eskimo Culture. The article I found can be viewed right here on the website Fact Monster http://www.factmonster.com/ce6/society/A0858029.html . Eskimo's are like many other hunting and gathering cultures. What makes Eskimo society stand out from others is that they were known for their especially skilled artists and fine craftsmans. Due to the sparseness of the lands they live on Eskimos live in small bands with a leader selected who is recognized for his ability to provide and protect the rest. The idea of personal property is viewed much differently than most cultures, Eskimo's will share most things besides for the most personal, private property. Just like most cultures though the Eskimo men will build the homes and provide food, while the women will stay home to watch the family. Their religion is rich with mythology, and shamanism is practiced. Shamans are like priests, but they commune with the earth, like many other pagan priests shaman's will use drugs to induce visions. Now a day's almost all Eskimo's live in communities. Instead of the spear the gun is used to hunt, and many communities will even have snowmobile's. Hopefully one day the Eskimo god Khuralu will descend from the moon to lead his tribes down from the tundra's to feed like ravenous dog's on the white man, and we will all see a great world ruled by the Eskimo