Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

For my quick read minutes I chose the American classic, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. The setting of this novel is in a small Missouri town right by the Mississippi River. Tom and all of his friends are always getting into new mischief and trouble, especially Tom and his orphan friend Huckle Berry Finn. The passage of the novel that I decided to read starts during the climax of the book when Huck is trying to find out what Injun Joe is doing. When he realizes that Joe and his friends are going to try and kill the widow, Huck braves it out, and figures out Joe's plan so he can help stop him from killing the widow. Huck demonstrates and shows great courage, and that doing the right thing is right because you can help, and save people as appose to hurting people. For more information On The Adventures of Tom Sawyer visit the Tom Sawyer Homepage.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Today I read an article all about making the football season from 16 regular season games to possibly 18 regular season games, if not a few more. I found the article "NFL looking to expand to 18 regular-season games" by Gary Myers on the New York Daily news's website. It talks all about how in an attempt to bring in more revenue the NFL is likely to change two of the preseason games into regular season games, but the only thing holding back the decision is whether or not the players should get paid extra for the two extra games. Already players get paid 60% of the leagues revenue, would they really need any more cash with what they already are making? Roger Goodell, the NFL commissioner was quoted saying, "even though they are playing two more regular season games, they should not get an automatic raise where their base salary would be 18 times their per-game pay instead of 16. If a player is making a $1.6 million base salary, which is $100,000 a game, the NFLPA will argue the salary should jump to $1.8 million, while Goodell says any extra money will come as a function of the salary cap system." I personally am split on the decision. I think that it would be great and all to have more regular season games because that just means there will be a ton more fun for all of us. What I am split on is wether or not the player's should get paid more for the extra two games. One side of me says that they are already making a million dollar's plus so why should they get paid more for just two more games. Than the other side of me looks at it like this, they are workers just like everyone and like everyone if your boss said you had to work saturdays also in addition to mondays through fridays for no extra pay we would all be pissed, I mean of course they want extra cash for extra work. Although It won't be a big deal for me wether or not the player's end up getting larger paychecks, what I will really be watching eagerly is the decision on the amount of extra games that will be added to the season.